Monday, October 25, 2010

Barefoot and Vibram Running Articles

Here's a few links to some good articles about barefoot running and Vibrams. Even the military is looking into the Vibrams!

Marine Corps Times Article #1

Marine Corps Times Article #2

Air Force Times Article

November Issue Runner's World Article

Vibrams vs Barefoot

So about 2 weeks ago I finally decided to do a in my Vibram Five Fingers and then run barefoot and compare! I ran one mile of each. There were some differences for sure! I first ran in the Vibrams (pronounced Vee-bruhms - check their website) and there were definitely pluses and minuses. With the Vibrams I was definitely less cautious about any rocks or sticks or anything on the road that could hurt my feet. I could tell that even though these "shoes" are supposed to be encouraging a barefoot type of stride, it was still a little different than running completely barefoot. My stride was a little longer than bare foot, but still a lot shorter than running with shoes. My toes also surprisingly felt a little constricted. Since they are in their own respective "toe pockets" they didn't really have any where to move. There are still positives to running in the Vibrams - like not having to worry quite as much about rocks and the like and I can run longer in them than completely barefoot. My mile was about 8:30 in the Vibrams. Once I took them off and went barefoot, it was like my feet were free again! I could stretch my toes out a lot easier which felt nice. My stride definitely got even shorter and I could tell I was running slower. My mile was about 9:00. But it was neat to feel the ground under my toes and even the temperature difference where the sun was shining on the pavement compared to where there was shade. I also like feeling the difference between asphalt and concrete and where it was painted. My feet were still a little raw after the run.

About a week after that run, I did a longer run with the Vibrams. I ran 2.5 miles in them and then 1/2 mile barefoot. The biggest thing I noticed after that run (and the 24-48 hours later) was my calves. Oh man...were they sore!! That is another big reason to take the barefoot running slow! It took a full day for my calves to reach full soreness. I did that run on a Wednesday afternoon and I think Thursday night into Friday morning was when I was the most sore. But I'm hoping a good side effect will be fantastic looking calves! :P

Sorry it has taken so long to write another post. Sometimes things just keep me away from the blog! But up next...a few good articles about Vibrams and barefoot running!