Yesterday I ran a full mile barefoot! It was after I did a speed workout in shoes. 4 x 400 at 5K pace (or a little faster). But back to my mile. I think I probably should have stopped at .75, but I really had it in my head to go a full mile. I could tell I was reaching my max when my toes started to feel a little raw. They also felt like blisters were developing on the tips of my toes. My feet feel fine today, but I know I won't be able to go more than a mile for a little bit yet. I also think roads are actually safer than the grass sometimes! I did part of my one mile on the grass and although the grass feels amazing, it hides everything! I found a pot hole and a prickly plant! At least on the roads I can see where most of the rocks are. I stuck with roads after that. I think I'm starting to develop a small reputation at work too being a barefoot runner. It's kind of fun and fun to educate that it's really no more dangerous than wearing shoes. You just have to start small! On that note, I'll sign off for the day! Until next time...
Good job at hitting that mile!