Thursday, August 19, 2010

My first two barefoot running attempts

1st barefoot run. Did 0.6 miles on the treadmill just to try to feel out the form of running barefoot. The belt was a little warm, but easy to run on. Then I just ran about .25 around my block. Just before I stopped my right foot found a nice rock. I have a little bruise on my pad just under the big toe. It’s a little tender, but it hasn’t stopped me from doing anything. I put a little ice on it to keep any swelling down. Otherwise a good first experience!

2nd barefoot run. Ran ½ mile, walked 0.3, ran 0.8 totaling 1.5 miles. Felt pretty great! My bruise didn’t bother me at all. I can tell my calves are tight and my feet are a little raw, but not too much. Running felt like stepping on the tar that is put in cracks in asphalt. Surprisingly soft! I could totally tell the difference between concrete and asphalt too. Concrete is way smoother. I had some “hecklers” while I was running. They were telling me to put some shoes on or asking where my shoes were and “You’re going to step on a rock!” comments. It was great! Going to give it a rest for a few days and then back to it.I don't want to go too crazy at first. Don't need any stress fractures! Plus I'm still doing some "shod" running. I have a 1/2 marathon in about 2 weeks. Then we'll see where I need to go from there.
 I'm also going to a barefoot running clinic on Monday. I am very excited!! It's with Michael Sandler, author of "Barefoot Running: How to become healthy, fit, and blissful by getting in touch with the earth" and owner of It's a great site!
Until next time...stay bare!
Nice and dirty!
Right after the run!

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