Monday, September 27, 2010

Barefoot with a Friend

Friday was an interesting barefoot day. I had planned on just doing maybe a 1/2 mile with some walking. But when I mentioned I was going out for a barefoot run, my boss wanted to try it out too! So we got outside and started our run. After the first 1/2 mile (when we should have stopped), we decided to go another 1/2. We did it quick too. Just over 8 minutes for the mile! I couldn't believe we ran that fast! I could tell that I didn't need to run any farther than a mile, but my toes didn't feel as bad as the last time I ran a mile. I was actually more concerned for my arches and my co-worker! He said he really liked it, but he could feel it the most under his left big toe. We kept walking a bit after the run and stopped to look at our feet. Now we knew why he could feel it where he did....he had sliced a big piece of skin under his big left toe!!!! Now, it was a fairly thin layer, but I'd say it was half the size of a quarter around! Not to mention the small blood blister on his second toe on the same foot. Eeek! I felt really bad that his first experience with barefoot running ended up like that. But, I don't think it will be his last barefoot run, which is good. Plus, it just goes to show you, you really do need to start out really slow and really small distances. You just don't know how your feet will react to their first barefoot run! They do need some "breaking in" just like a pair of shoes (except you can't replace your feet after 400-500 miles). Overall, a positive day with a few bumps. Thanks Winston! (maybe I'm not the only Hippie in the office!) :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My "Duh" Moment

So it's been a while since I've posted! I haven't been doing too much barefoot running partly because I've been busy training for races and partly because of the last time I ran barefoot! I know I over did it on the mile I ran barefoot. I knew it a little bit when I ran it, it felt like I was getting little blisters on the tips of my toes (which I didn't). But, in the days following is when I felt the real effect. My left arch started to get sore while I was walking around barefoot. It was fine while I was wearing shoes. SO... I limited myself to just walking barefoot for a while. I think my arch has "healed" if you will. So I think Friday will be my next barefoot run. Probably only 1/2 mile or so. Maybe more, but with walking in between. When they say take it slow, it is VERY TRUE!!! This might not be true for everyone (I didn't think I 'd need to take it as slow as I do), but it is for me! So if you're just starting like I am, be careful and listen to your feet! They can feel every little thing you're doing and they talk back.

Until next time....stay bare! :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

1st Full Mile

Yesterday I ran a full mile barefoot! It was after I did a speed workout in shoes. 4 x 400 at 5K pace (or a little faster). But back to my mile. I think I probably should have stopped at .75, but I really had it in my head to go a full mile. I could tell I was reaching my max when my toes started to feel a little raw. They also felt like blisters were developing on the tips of my toes. My feet feel fine today, but I know I won't be able to go more than a mile for a little bit yet. I also think roads are actually safer than the grass sometimes! I did part of my one mile on the grass and although the grass feels amazing, it hides everything! I found a pot hole and a prickly plant! At least on the roads I can see where most of the rocks are. I stuck with roads after that. I think I'm starting to develop a small reputation at work too being a barefoot runner. It's kind of fun and fun to educate that it's really no more dangerous than wearing shoes. You just have to start small! On that note, I'll sign off for the day! Until next time...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Back to Barefoot

Today I finally got back to a little barefoot running! Chris, Charlotte and I went on a little family run. Chris pushed Charlotte in the jogging stroller and I ran along. It was a tough one at first, since the Half Marathon was just two days ago. I'm still a little sore from that! I ran most of the run with shoes on (just over 2.5 miles). Once we got back to some sidewalks I stopped and took off my shoes. It always feels so great! My feet really do feel free when there's nothing on them. I ran just over 1/2 mile barefoot. Mostly on sidewalks and the road, but there was some cool grass in there too. Oooh the different surfaces are so fun without shoes! I know I still have to take it slow because I can feel my left arch is a little sore already. I'll have to consult my Barefoot Running book to see how to keep that from happening again and make sure my form is right. I'm sure it's just like anything new, there will be sore muscles and achy parts! I'm trying to find a balance between learning barefoot and improving my race times. Each time I run barefoot, it makes me want to do more! Hopefully I can build up to a few miles before winter rolls around. Maybe I'll be able to run in my Vibrams on the treadmill or even outside once the cold weather sets in. But until then....I'm going to keep on trying to Stay Bare!